


CapaSystems is a Danish software development company and consultancy. Since 1996 we’ve been dedicated to delivering software solutions that provide our customers with better overview, improved end-user quality of experience and increased flexibility while reducing their costs

Why CapaSystems?

Get the Most Out of Your IT Investment 

Are you experiencing challenges in keeping your IT setup running optimally? We understand how frustrating it can be when IT doesn’t work as it should. With over 25 years of experience in the market and customers in Denmark and abroad, we help you ensure that your IT infrastructure is always functioning at its best. Our expertise lets us understand your challenges and offer solutions that create real value for your business, ensuring your users have a seamless workday. Our software solutions provide insight, automation, and standardization so you can focus on your core business. 

We Listen – and Act 

You know your needs best. That’s why we listen to your challenges and develop solutions that make a real difference. With CapaSystems, you get a partner who understands your daily operations and helps you create the best possible IT workplace. 

about capasystems

Why CapaInstaller?

One Solution for All Your Devices 

Is it difficult to keep track of all your IT devices? With CapaInstaller, you get a Unified Endpoint Management solution that consolidates the administration of all your devices, allowing you to easily manage everything from computers to mobile devices – without complexity or wasted time. 

Efficient Operations Without Unnecessary Hassle 

Imagine a workday where you can easily delegate IT tasks without losing control. CapaInstaller allows you to let other departments handle daily administration while you maintain oversight. Less hassle, more productivity. 

Why PerformanceGuard?

Take Control of Your IT Performance 

Are your users frustrated with slow IT performance? PerformanceGuard helps you identify and resolve issues before they impact productivity. You gain insight into your IT performance from the end user’s perspective, ensuring a stable and efficient IT infrastructure. 

Facts Over Assumptions 

Make decisions based on data, not guesswork. PerformanceGuard provides precise measurements so you can focus on what truly matters: user experience, capacity planning, and executive reporting. 

Why CapaOne?

IT Management Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated 

Are you struggling to keep track of all your daily IT tasks? CapaOne is our cloud-based platform that takes care of your most essential IT disciplines – without requiring you to be an expert in everything. 

Insight, Administration, and Analysis in One Place 

With CapaOne, you can easily overview and control your IT devices without added complexity. The platform already includes several smart tools—and more are on the way—all designed to make your workday easier and more efficient. 

A Danish Company with Social Responsibility

CapaSystems is more than just a software company – we take responsibility. As a Danish company, we are deeply rooted in values such as diversity, inclusion, and social engagement. We believe that a strong team consists of people with different backgrounds and skills, and we are actively engaged in helping young people through apprenticeships and internships.

For us, technology and social responsibility go hand in hand.


Martin Søndergaard

Martin Søndergaard

Chief Executive Officer

Jan Rasmussen

Jan Rasmussen

Chief Financial Officer

Sales and Marketing

Claus Holm Andresen

Claus Holm Andresen

Chief Commercial Officer

Simon Højlund

Simon Højlund

Key Account Manager (East)

Patric Steen

Patric Steen

Account Manager (Sweden)

Rikke Borup

Rikke Borup

Chief Marketing Officer

Mickala Schwanenflügel Eilskov

Mickala Schwanenflügel Eilskov

Marketing Assistant


Dennis Busk Nyehuus

Dennis Busk Nyehuus

Chief Services Officer

Christian Wadskov

Christian Wadskov

System Administrator

Mikkel André Knop

Mikkel André Knop

Technical Support Team Lead

Kim Brandtberg

Kim Brandtberg


Max Grue

Max Grue


Mark Rasmussen

Mark Rasmussen


Mitesh Sahijpal

Mitesh Sahijpal

Software Trainee


Dan Svendsen

Dan Svendsen

Chief Product Officer

Henrik Wendt

Henrik Wendt

Chief Technology Officer

Torben Busk Sørensen

Torben Busk Sørensen

Senior Software Architect

Carsten From

Carsten From

Senior Software Architect

Emil Frøding

Emil Frøding

Software Architect

Joachim Hansen

Joachim Hansen

Scrum Master & Software Engineer

Oliver Ramstedt

Oliver Ramstedt

Scrum Master & UX Lead Engineer

Youssef Benarab

Youssef Benarab

Software Engineer

Oliver Villumsen

Oliver Villumsen

Software Engineer

Martin Moghadam

Martin Moghadam

Software Engineer

Mike Jensen

Mike Jensen

Software Engineer

Simon Toftedal Hansen

Simon Toftedal Hansen

Software Trainee

Nicklas Hansen

Nicklas Hansen

Software Trainee