A fake email from the boss is just one of the methods hackers use. Learn how to protect your company against CEO fraud.
CapaSystems Blog
CasesSe et udvalg af vores tidligere projekter og opgaver under Kundecases. Her tilbyder vi dig et indblik i, hvilket arbejde vi kan gøre for dig.
Tightening Security in CapaInstaller
With today's release of CapaInstaller 6.6, your...
Let our specialists enhance CapaInstaller security
In connection with the release of CapaInstaller...
Welcome to CapaOne MDM
We are introducing CapaOne MDM, the newest...
Management Demands Action: MDM Solution NOW
Questions are pouring down on IT department...
Easy-to-use CapaOne MDM
By Max Grue, Consultant & Technical Support...
Change Management: Trends and Focus Areas in 2024
Change Management is a discipline focused on...
Max Olsen: From Technical Support to IT Consultant at CapaSystems
At CapaSystems we are pleased to announce that Max Olsen has transitioned from the title of Support Engineer to Consultant.
Your Guide to Effective Awareness Training
We’ve gathered great tips on how to approach the Awareness Training. You can also get a free Security Check with CapaSystems.
Cyberattacks: Are we well on our way with IT security?
Cyberattacks: Danish companies rank second-best...

Compliance: Much More Than Documentation
How often do you ask yourself the question: Where are we...

Big Congratulations to Mikkel Knop
Mikkel Knop has been promoted to Technical Support Team...

NIS2 Implementation in Denmark Delayed – Again
Nis2 delayed again: The Danish government has once again...