Security holes: So now we have seen this too: the world in chamber arrest. The old dictionary came to use again—this time in the form of a makeshift adjustable height table so the home office did not end up generating any additional work for our country’s ergonomists and chiropractors.
CapaSystems Blog
CasesSe et udvalg af vores tidligere projekter og opgaver under Kundecases. Her tilbyder vi dig et indblik i, hvilket arbejde vi kan gøre for dig.
Sorting out the home office
Home office: When Covid-19 burst onto the world stage in March 2020, attention to employee home offices suddenly shot through the roof. With the entire or large parts of the workforce working from home, IT departments were in dire need of keeping up with developments in IT. And outside their internal networks.
3 Reasons Why Your Scrum Is Failing
Scrum: Time was when IT developers could work on a solution for half or even an entire year before sharing a single screenshot with the outside world.
3 reasons to check out PG 8.0
Do you want to be able to see what is happening...
How to Future-Proof Your New Software Purchases
Software Purchase: If you are an IT manager, I have some sad news for you. Perhaps you know already, but you keep pushing the thought to the back of your head, putting the decision off for another day, when you have more time.
Covid19: We continue to take care of your IT infrastucture
CapaSystems is no further away than a call or...
8 very good reasons so welcome CapaOne Portal
Starting today, it has become much easier to be...
What is IT Change Management (and why is it important)?
Change Management: Before we get started, I need...
Release: PerformanceGuard 7.6
We have improved the navigation and today we...
We welcome CapaSystems Technical Blog
This year’s Christmas gift from CapaSystems to...
Identifying the troublemakers
Look no further – with CapaOne Reliability from CapaSystems you get the birds eye view of the computers in your organization
Scandlines extends agreement for the third time
We are incredibly proud that Scandlines has opted to...
A Family Man with a Capital F — Who is Yüksel Aydemir?
For almost 10...