latest news
CapaSystems is a Danish software development company and consultancy. Since 1996 we’ve been dedicated to delivering software solutions that provide our customers with better overview, improved end-user quality of experience and increased flexibility while reducing their costs.
Release CapaInstaller 5.7
Today the development team behind CapaInstaller has said "go" for the release of CapaInstaller...
Shadow IT: What can your IT department do?
Shadow IT is not an unknown phenomenon. The truth is it happens in many Danish workplaces. In...
Is Your IT Department Efficient—Enough?
All companies that have respect for themselves constantly scrutinize their own organization in...
2 things the IT department should outsource
When was the last time you had work done out of house? Outsourcing IT tasks is becoming...
New white paper
Employees = The real success factor. Learn how to create the most optimal employee experience...
Are you ready to upgrade your Windows 10 platform?
Or do you spot a little gray hair when you think about all the time-consuming tasks it causes for...
Smartphones and Security
Those days when company data were only available on the employees’ desktop are over. Today,...
New customer: Welcome to TV2 Nord
We welcome a yet another customer – once again it is one of the TV2 regional news stations that...
Is your IT system slow? How to move to a higher gear
Waiting time is a big problem to many Danish companies. In fact, it is a huge problem. Waiting...
Do you control your application packaging
Software Management is one of the IT department's most important tasks. That’s exactly why we have...
New white paper: The trick is happy users
Gartner identifies user experience as one of the key areas of investment for CIOs in 2019. As...
How do you help your workplace be secure?
More and more companies are attacked by hackers. Your workplace already applies many measures to...
NIRAS: DKK 300,000 saved in licenses
For the IT department at the engineering consulting company, Niras, a comprehensive view of the...
Set the flag using CapaInstaller
Today CapaSystems goes public with CapaInstaller 5.6 build 103. This means, that we among other...
We welcome Adaptive Baselining
Today CapaSystems releases PerformanceGuard 7.4 introducing Adaptive Baselining. Adaptive...
CapaSystems: Top 1% largest supplier
UdbudsVagten has just published the list of the 300,000 active companies, which in 2017 have been...
Will we meet in Hannover?
CapaSystems will this week take part in the New CEBIT – Europe’s Business Festival for Innovation...
This is how we do it…
A good handful of PerformanceGuard customers are today visiting CapaSystems Headquarter in...
Welcome to a new business partner
CapaSystems has welcomed a new business partner - again. This time it is one of the most...
We are focusing on troubleshooting – are you?
Focusing on troubleshooting: This morning we are getting ready for a bunch of PerformanceGuard...
Release PerformanceGuard 7.3 Patch 3: Concerned to lose control of your data?
Do you have the overall overview of the utilization of all applications and IT administration? Get...