Have you read through the guidance of the new...
CapaSystems Blog
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Are you well prepared for Microsoft’s huge updates twice a year?
Are you well prepared for Microsoft's huge...
Ready to top-tune your IT organization?
Several Danish IT organizations are in the...
Low prices makes outsourcing even more interesting – but are you ready?
According to Computerworld (in Danish), the...
PerformanceGuard 7.0: Transform your Service Desk
Now your Service Desk will solve problems before...
Release: CapaInstaller 5.3 with support for iOS 10
Danish software company CapaSystems today...

CapaSystems: Top 1% largest supplier
UdbudsVagten has just published the list of the 300,000...

PerformanceGuard – now with synthetic monitoring
Capasystems is releasing version 7.3 of the monitoring...

Release CapaInstaller 5.5 – let users manage their own devices
Why not make it easier with Self-Service / Enterprise App...